by wsiepro | Oct 26, 2016 | Tips & Advice
Thankfully, our winters in the Conejo Valley are the envy of America. But it’s still a good idea to take some time during the autumn months to prepare your trees for winter so that they can enter spring healthy and vibrant. Professional arborists like Jim Skiera,...
by wsiepro | Jul 9, 2016 | Tips & Advice
Did you know the Meyer Lemon isn’t a true lemon tree? It’s actually a cross between a lemon tree and a mandarin orange tree. That’s one reason it has a sweeter taste than a common lemon. Its rind is also edible, which opens up the door to different...
by wsiepro | Mar 12, 2016 | Tips & Advice
Mulching around your trees has many benefits – but like most everything, there’s a right way and a wrong way to get the job done. Here’s a short video with some good tips on mulching the right way.
by wsiepro | Mar 12, 2016 | Tips & Advice
Hard to believe but spring is right around the corner. If you’re planning to plant a tree or two around your yard, keep the following in mind. It’s important to select a tree that will thrive in the conditions we find here in the Conejo Valley....
by wsiepro | Mar 12, 2016 | Tips & Advice
Did you enjoy that blustery storm that blew through the Conejo Valley Sunday night and Monday? It carried a few downpours with it and really left the air clean and fresh. Unfortunately, total rainfall wasn’t much and certainly didn’t end the drought. So we still need...
by wsiepro | Mar 12, 2016 | Tips & Advice
Well maintained shade trees are not only beautiful, they can help lower your energy bills. If, that is, they are planted in the proper place in your yard in relation to the sun’s rays on your home. Some quick tips are: Plant on the west and northwest to provide...