Pro Tips For Planting Young Trees

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company The Arbor Day Foundation is a non-profit organization employing certified arborists to educate people about the proper way to plant and care for trees. Through their Time for Trees initiative,...

Why You Should Prune Your Trees During Winter

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company Here it comes — the winter solstice on December 21. For those beautiful trees in your yard, that means it’s time for some winter pruning. During the dormant season your trees temporarily slow their...

Caring For Your Favorite Evergreen

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company Have a beautiful pine or spruce in your yard? One of the nice things about it, I’m sure you’ll agree, is that it’s green all year round. Which is, of course, exactly what an evergreen is supposed to...

How Much Sun Is Enough?

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company Nothing complements a healthy tree better than a garden full of healthy plants. But one thing trees are known and valued for is their shade. So if you’re looking to create a garden full of beautiful...

Landscaping Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company As most every homeowner knows, this is the hottest market for home sales in our lifetime. Low mortgage rates and a low inventory of homes for sale are fueling record home prices. That’s all doubly...

To Grind Or Not To Grind, That Is The Question

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company Are you thinking about removing one of the treasured trees in your yard? There are many reasons you might have to remove a tree that you would otherwise want to keep. It might be diseased, have...