Save The Trees!

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company Nothing is permanent in life and that certainly applies to your yard’s landscaping. As enticing as that orange tree in your backyard may be, changing circumstances may require you to remove it. The...

‘Leaf Peeping’ In So Cal

It won’t be too long before New Yorkers and all kinds of New Englanders start to go “leaf peeping.” That’s the popular term for the weekend trips that city folk take out to the countryside to see the leaves turn color in the autumn. But with all due respect to our...

Your Treetop Battleground

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company The trees in your yard create a wonderfully complex environment. They provide welcome shade on a hot summer afternoon. They offer beautiful layers of foliage that dance in the breeze. They function...

Is It Time To Feed Your Trees?

News And Advice From The Leading Thousand Oaks Tree Trimming Company Without pushing the comparison too far, let’s say that trees are a little like people: they can’t survive on water alone. Just as we need food for everything from protein to vitamins, trees need...